03 December 19 - Doha, Qatar Airport

I landed in Doha, Qatar airport and I am stunned how beautiful and clean it is, everything looks new. There are attendants everywhere for assisting passengers. I was struggling taking my carry-on down the steps from the plane and an attendant ran up and took the bag from me, so helpful without being asked. 

Shops are gorgeous and the sales clerks are all wearing suits. They even have a theme park for kids with an animated dinosaur. It's a magical place. It's like they have kept the tradition of formality and grace where other countries have lost it. I feel like I have been living in another planet!

I had a few hours until my flight to Singapore and I went to the First Class lounge, OMG it is so beautiful. The ceilings are all polished chrome, crystal chandeliers and orchid arrangements everywhere. I swear I am in the Twilight Zone cause everything is so perfect. I am sitting in front of an enormous pool of water with dancing water droplets that jump up every couple of seconds. And of course it's great to have free wifi.

After the lounge I decided to walk towards my gate but I was too early, it was 6:45PM and the boarding was starting only at 7:45PM with an 8:30PM departure. I found this "Ladies lounge" just for women to relax and it was serene and quiet with beautiful leather loungers. I decided to take advantage of this little oasis and bingo I fell asleep!!! I woke up in a panic that I might have slept through my departure and looked at my watch to realize it was 8:00PM!!!  I ran out of there towards the gate which luckily was right next door and as I approached the counter the agent smiled and said " Are you Francine?" Once I confirmed I was the late arrival he said "We were waiting for you and glad you made it".....whew so was I !!! 

Finally seated in my Q-Suite and anxious to leave for Singapore at last.

1 comment:

  1. Francin!!!! OMG you are living on the edge lol. No more relaxing without setting your alarm!!! Lol
